Modi’s India: Rising and Reshaping
Table of Contents
Though perhaps overlooked, France has long been an Asian power and intends to remain so in the 21st century.
If China’s ambitious initiative can recapture the magic of the ancient Silk Roads, it will change the world.
Donald Trump met Xi Jinping at last. What lies ahead for the U.S.-China relationship?
The Chinese president’s stops in Finland and Alaska underline Beijing’s growing interest in the Arctic.
China’s social media landscape is booming, but Beijing still holds the reins.
As China’s massive population begins to spend more, the world will take notice.
Perceptions of China’s role on the continent depend on who’s telling the stories.
Suzhou has become the first Chinese city to ban the purchase of gravesites by people without a local residency permit.
Japan’s options for responding to the growing threat from Pyongyang are limited.
Trump sends mixed signals about the prospect of military action against Pyongyang.
How Japan and India can cooperate to increase engagement with ASEAN – without alarming China.
Heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula are already impacting regional economies.
The announcement removes one of the major obstacles to Japan’s defense transformation.
Incidents of violence against dark-skinned African immigrants have spurred a national debate in India.
Regional rivalries involving Pakistan, India, Russia, and China complicate an already dire security situation.
The alleged Indian spy is caught in the crosshairs of back-and-forth accusations from Delhi and Islamabad.
India’s Grand Old Party has decidedly lost its grandeur. What happened?
Perhaps this is New Delhi’s way of holding its own against China.
The prospects are dimmer than they might initially appear.
In the Philippines, extrajudicial killings predate Duterte’s rise to power – but the president still should be held accountable.
Tough restrictions on internal migration are trapping Vietnam’s rural-to-urban migrants in a vicious cycle of poverty.
Recent reports are yet another testament to the growing scrutiny over Beijing’s influence in the Southeast Asian state.
The crisis is not an elite competition but an ideological one.
President Atambayev seems to be repeating the mistakes of his predecessors.
Recent statements from Uzbek officials drop previous vitriol in favor of diplomatic neighborliness.
On Tuesday, the first direct commercial flight between the neighboring countries in 25 years landed in Dushanbe.
So the conspiracy theory goes. But the theory doesn’t hold up to logic.
The promise was symbolic, anyway.
The agreement’s goal is to increase the ease of doing business between Pacific Island nations.
With the end of the RAMSI intervention and restoration of full sovereignty comes more difficult diplomatic balancing.
Australia’s prime minister hopes to emphasize the wealth of opportunities between the two countries in his four-day trip.
Remarks from Tonga’s prime minister make public an open secret about crime in the Chinese community.
Strategic patience is dead; long live strategic patience.
The Obama administration’s “Major Defense Partner” designation for India is paying dividends.
Trump changes his mind about the wisdom of declaring China a currency manipulator.
Bombs in the Middle East and a missing aircraft carrier were all less important than the vice president’s trip to Asia.
Big plans, indeed, but will they materialize?
Taiwan would be better off investing its limited resources in advanced surface-to-air missile systems.
The Central Commission for Integrated Military and Civilian Development represents a new trend in civil-military relations.
In India, where Hindi movies dominate, a Telugu film crushed all its rivals.
Even as minimum wage growth slow, rising labor costs are still pressuring businesses.
A recent incident exposes the country’s – and the region’s – lingering challenges on this front.