The Asia-Pacific in 2018: What to Expect
Table of Contents
A closer look at the dark web of North Korean diplomacy.
Myanmar is in a key location for the BRI. So why are Chinese investments not materializing?
From economics to defense to politics, the Abe government has changed Japan.
Is there room for Taiwan in this resurrected grouping of Indo-Pacific democracies?
More Chinese feminists are rising, and being suppressed.
Beijing’s attempts to push out migrant workers will have economic consequences.
Prepare for a new and dangerous phase in international relations.
Issues to consider while waiting for the Sino-Tibetan “Godot.”
Security cooperation between Tokyo and Seoul has evolved over the years, but challenges remain.
2017 was a pivotal year for South Korean politics, what did new President Moon Jae-in accomplish?
President Trump’s rhetoric and a highly threatening North Korea are chipping away at Japan’s nuclear neuralgia.
Former North Korean diplomat Thae Yong-ho reveals how outside cultural influence works against the Kim regime.
Japan’s rail diplomacy moves into a new stage with a joint venture in northwest England, but China may follow.
Following pre-election trepidation amid poor polling, the Bharatiya Janata Party nevertheless triumphed in crucial state-level elections. What’s next for India’s ruling party?
Climate change is affecting yaks and their Brokpa herders in the northeastern Indian Himalayas.
A Musharraf-Saeed alliance could provide the political face of the mullah-military takeover underway in Pakistan.
New evidence draws attention to the thousands of Punjabis “disappeared” in the 1980s and ‘90s.
All signs point to “no.”
Results have so far failed to meet aspirations when it comes to developing Indonesia’s maritime economy.
President Rodrigo Duterte got what he wanted from Congress: The room to continue his war on terror.
The failure to truly address minority concerns may come back to bite the premier in 2018.
The development suggests that more of the same is at work in this realm in the Southeast Asian state.
The country’s changing political landscape raises several important questions for relations.
Turkmenistan and Iran may go to international arbitration over a gas dispute; Ashgabat desperately needs the money.
Does Nazarbayev have a plan?
Murod Juraev’s death underscores the continued issue of political prisoners in Uzbekistan.
Despite Astana’s efforts to restrict its presence, foreign content continues to dominate Kazakhstan’s airwaves.
Media freedom continues to be a weak point in Central Asia.
By November 2018, the French “special collectivity” needs to decide on if and how to declare independence.
How can Australia implement its Foreign Policy White Paper without political stability at home?
With historical and cultural links, India looks to firm up relations with Fiji.
Despite its election rhetoric, Labor is now embracing the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact.
The Trump administration's first year demonstrated that long-standing shibboleths about U.S. interests in the Asia-Pacific are no longer in place.
Tillerson simply lacks the credibility to communicate the Trump administration’s preferred North Korea policy.
The U.S. is finally taking a more overt interest in the strategic importance of the Freely Associated States.
A declassified U.S. study based on interviews with former Soviet officials lays bare U.S. intelligence failures when it comes to Soviet nuclear strategy.
Is the Hwasong-15 the apotheosis of North Korea’s ballistic missile program?
Just how useful will India’s carriers be in a potential future war with Pakistan?
The PLA is set to become the largest “American” military force to pose a threat to the U.S.
Pakistani parties struggle to infuse some meaning into dull, official symbols.
Contrary to the dominant narrative, Hindus and Muslims in India have not always been at each other’s throats.
Responding to a public petition, the Moon administration will take a close look at the current abortion ban.